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Alternate Reality - The Remake -

Fight against all the original characters in "The City" and "The Dungeon". Will you
be able to make it home fighting through all these creatures.
- Devourer - Need to watch out for this creature, it can suck up your items and they will be lost forever. Devourer is a creature of myth. Few have ever Encountered this creature, and fewer still have survived to tell the tale.
- Thief - A person that will stab you in the back to steal items from you. Will you give up your money to save your life or attempt death.
- Cutthroat - Even more dangerous Thief.
- Brigand - The city is plagued with many Thieves.
- Master Thief - Can you stand toe to toe and get a special item from him.
- Assassin - Attempt to fight this dangerous encounter, but watch out for his critical hit!
- Goblin - Watch these Goblins, they move in packs and can call for back up. Be prepared for a long battle.
- Troll - These creatures have ability to regenerate. So make sure you can make a quit kill before attempting this fight!
- Courier - There's no telephone or telegraph, so Couriers are necessary for delivering messages as well as parcels.
- Commoner - These are individuals with no special skills or distinctions.
- Merchant - You usually see these capitalist types on their way to or from wheeling-and-dealing. They work hard to keep The City's economy healthy.
- Guard - Most Guards are employed by the nobility. They're The City's policemen.
- Nobleman, Noblewoman- are rich and powerful. They live in the Palace and are fond of Games in the Arena. When out in public, they're attended by their private Guards.
- Acolyte, Sage, Archmage, Wizard, Mage, Apprentice, Novice - and other magical types dwell in The City. Most are associated with Guilds or other learning institutions.
- Dwarf - Short (4 feet tall) and stocky (150 pounds), Dwarves are interesting characters. They're resistant to many Poisons and Magic Spells, have excellent night vision, and are terrific close combat fighters. Love the gloom of The Dungeon and have a natural dislike of humans. They delve for precious metals and Gems and craft marvellous Weapons and Jewelry.
- Imp - Short (2 feet), devilish fire-breathers, Imps have long, dagger-like, poisonous tails. Avoid them!
- Gladiator - are proven fighters from the Arena Games.
- Night Stalker - Legendary creature of the night. An extremely powerful beast that no one can be certain doesn't exist. Although the Night Stalker isn't too formidable on the streets of The City, The Dungeon's darkness makes it incredibly powerful.
- Lich -
- Undead Knight -
- Palace Elite -
- FBI Agent -
- Dark Knight -
- Champion -
- Healer -
- Knight -
- Pauper -
- Alien Sentry -
- Robot -
- Orc -
- Gnome - around The City and The Dungeon corridors, planning unpleasant suprises for the unwary Adventurer.
- Slime - are found throughout The Dungeon, but especially in The City Sewer. They can foul your food and its acid may eat away items lying on The Dungeon floow.
- Mold -
- Homunculus -
- Phoenix - is a glorious firebird. The beating of its flaming wings stirs up hot winds all around. This is a good creature, though hostile to humans.
- Sorceress -
- Whirlwind - are elemental spirits that challenge the skills of even the stoutest Adventurer. They scatter any items lying on the floor.
- Giant Rat - carry Rabies and love to share it by biting and clawing you.
- Small Dragon - are really hot! Dragons are accomplished magicians and both creatures are fearsome, fire-breathing reptiles. They usually can't be defeated with ordinary Weapons, so use caution!
- Skeleton - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Zombie - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Ghoul - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Ghost - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Spectre - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Wraith - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Vampire - are the nightmarish horrors that haunt the Regions of the Undead.
- Great Bat - fangs and slashing claws make these "airy" creatures formidable foes.
- Hell Hound -
- Harpy -
- Gremlin - are dangerous, demonic denizens of the dark.
- Flame Demon - are dangerous, demonic denizens of the dark.
- Storm Devil - are dangerous, demonic denizens of the dark.
- Giant Wolf - carry Rabies and love to share it by biting and clawing you.
- Werewolf -
- Warrior -
- Weapon Master -
- Valkyrie - are good life forms, but hostile to humans.
- Mercenary -
- Doppleganger -
- Adventure -
- Water Sprite -
- Salamander -
- Ronin -
- Serpentman - prowl the Dungeon corridors. These reptilian humanoids are Evil, so be on guard!
- Big Snake -
- Great Naga -
- Berserker -
- Basilisk -
- Great Wyrm -
- Ice Demon - are dangerous, demonic denizens of the dark.
- Horned Devil - are dangerous, demonic denizens of the dark.
- Mugger -
- Robber -
- Fighter -
- Swordsman -
- Gnoll - around The City and The Dungeon corridors, planning unpleasant suprises for the unwary Adventurer.
- Hobbit -
- Giant -
- Small Green Dragon - are really hot! Dragons are accomplished magicians and both creatures are fearsome, fire-breathing reptiles. They usually can't be defeated with ordinary Weapons, so use caution!
- Brown Mold - are found throughout The City and The Dungeon, but especially in The City Sewer. Mold can leave you with horrible Diseases that are not easily cured.