Chapel & Retreat Update

I went through the Chapel code and found that it was only started.  So went through the dissambely code and completed it and the Sancutary code with it.  The Chapel is now code complete,  with the two gifts you get if you are granted to go into the Sancutary space.   Getting better and better at understand and reading 8-bit 6502 assembly.   I’ve not looked at assembly code in almost 30 years.  It is nice the ARX project is more than just remaking a game.  I’ve never written a game before, my area has been always business software and/or operation software.  I never knew Opengl code and 6502 assembly.   It has been a learning curve on both area of the game. 

Also, went through the retreat code and fixed several areas where it didn’t match the Dungeon code.   Like you can’t get a room when carrying a corpse, Friendship was not matching the friendship code in the Dungeon. Also, changed the fatigue and hp grain to match the Dungeon instead of just random values.  I think I got the entire MOOD system that the DUNGEON used working in the game.  Many areas check the mood and effects the outcome based on your mood.   Only thing I’ve not located is how your clothing changes your mood.  I think it should, if wearing you are wearing rags,  your mood changes vs wearing some kind of dragon skin.


  • Fixed – Added missing aspects of the Retreat in the Dungeon.  Mood was not being used.  Friendship was not being saved, for later greetings.
    If friendship falls to low you get a different greeting and that was missing.
    Converted Retreat to the new Module system so time  changes while sleeping and visiting.
    Fatigue gained by sleep is reflected by your mood.  The more mood the better the sleep and more rest you get.
    HP gained by sleep is reflected by your mood.  The more mood the better the sleep is.  All this reflects the dungeon code now.
    Updated the Friendship system to match the dungeon.  Frienship changes based on what type of room you select for sleeping. ARX was just adding 1 or subtracting one depending on the room.  Things change based on old friendship and room.  Sometimes you can have more than a plus 1 on adjustments.
    if carrying corpse, “THE RETREAT” “Thou art welcome here, but thy deceased friend is not! Please have it wait outside!”
  • Added – Chapel is now code complete along with The Chapel Sancutary.


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