Quick Update – Shops and Alcohol

This is a small update and it is mostly related to Shops and drinking.   Friendship for shops is completed.  If you enter it while your drunk, they will kick you out and reduce your friendship level.  30 day waiting period if your friendship gets to low. Taking damaged during working at a shop can now happen.  Greetings change based on your friendship level in the shop. So you can use this to judge where your friendship level is.

Bargain system for shops is much more complicated now.   It was very simple before.  Now your friendship with the shop does affect how well you can bargain with the shop.  Don’t piss off the shop keeper or your friendship will reduce.  You only have so many attempts to bargain unless you piss the shop keeper off and they can quit the bargain then.  Or extend it if your not to bad on the value.  So play around and get your items for the best price.

Character creation numbers where to high.  It is possible in the 8-bit version to go as low as 3 and ARX limited it to 10.  I changed it back to 8-bit version.  Want that hard feel the original game had.

Alcohol system has been completely rewritten.  You don’t get drunk instantly.  partial effect to the blood system and then the rest has to get digestion and then into the blood stream.  So you can drink several items and not be completely drunk but 20 minutes later become very drunk.   Now since the alcohol system is now complete.  The next step is to put in the side effects of being  tipsy, drunk and very drunk.   random screens,  random moves,  possible blacking out.   Don’t pass out in the street, you might wake up with missing items.  Thiefs are plenty in city streets.


  • Added – Alcohol effects your stealth stat.
  • Added – Alcohol drinking has changed.  It uses blood concentration and instetine concentration.  So you don’t become instally tipsy or drunk. Over time the alcohol is transfered to the blood and your level of alcohol in the blood affects your drunkenness.   Then slowly over time, once all the alcohol is out of your instetines, then removed rom the blood you return back to normal.  This is like the original game.
  • Added – Change creationg stats to match more of the 16-bit game.   The stats were always to high for minimum.
  • Added – Taking job in a Inn will use the fatigue rate for the job.  So you will get tired faster than normal.
              You have a probablity of receiving a wound during your job.  It could be a minor or major wound.  Luck would be have it to die during work.  Watch out.
  • Added – Add sequence for shop offers.   This is much more advance and your friendship to the shop affects what is acceptable.  If your offer is to low then you may be kicked out and your friendship is reduced.  If it gets to low then you will not be acceptable for 30 days.
  • Added – Shop friendship is in place.  If it is over 30 days since last visit, your friendship will be reset for that shop.  Based on your buying of items and bargaining, your friendship can increase and/or decrease.
  • Added – Shop,  if you enter while drunk, they will kick you out.  This hurts your friendship with the shop.
              Frequency changes the greetings,  so vist more often.
              If you fail to bargain then it will reduce your friendship level with the shop.
              If your friendship falls to low then you will not be allowed in the shop.  Have to wait for 30 days.




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