It really has been a really long time since I really did any king of blog update.  I took 2 months off to take a break,  I was doing some work for a MineCraft mod called MineColonies.  I added a bunch of new features that I thought was valued and bug fixes.  I’m back now and in full steam.  I’ve been finishing up many features that were almost completed.  I’m COMPELETY CODE COMPLETE on encounters and all their special routines.  Finally finished with the disassembly of the original 8-bit dungeon and converted their theory of what they do into the ARX code.  All this code is a completely written new. I looked at the code and saw what they where trying to do and wrote completely new routine to end up doing the same thing.  Of course this is not an emulation so they are slightly different but will leave you thinking you are playing the original game.  This process took some time to go through all those monsters and disassembly all that code.  All of the 8-bit dungeon, 8-bit city and 16-bit city encounters are in the game.   The way encounters spawn follow the 8-bit dungeon version or the 16-bit version.  You can select that when you start a game.  There are many options you can select to mix and match 8-bit style and 16-bit style together. 

Best part is now the DEVOURER is complete and after so many items in your inventory the DEVOURER will start showing up and will suck up items that you carry just like the original game.  So watch out.

I’ve completed the the entire spell system,  the 8-bit dungeon spell system is the best way I’ve seen in many years.  It is so generic and can handle anything.  With the limit RAM they had, they came up with a great system.  The Special Event system will handle anything,  curses, spells, picking up and item, dropping an item and etc….    I’ve took the time to conver the 16-bit city spells into this system and what didn’t fit, had special code for them.  Since the guilds either where 16-bit city spells or 8-bit dungeon spells.  I had to change the guilds to support the combined spells from both systems.

I’ve completed the combat system.  I think it is pretty complete and pretty close to the s8-bit dungeon system.   Like, Spell casting from player or encounters, being knockdown.  Weapons being knocked out of your hand, Parry, being stunned and etc…  I think I got most of it. 

I fixed the vault code for the dungeon.  It was not completed correctly.  There is a variable that I’ve never located on the internet and it is (what I’m calling) evil acts.   In the code, these act are not reversable.  Once you do them they affect who you are and are not changable by good deeds.  When you steal from the vault or trick encounters this variable increases and when it gets to high the guard will try and take you to the “POKEY”.  So watch out if your not good.

I’ve started going through all the music and sync up the lyrics to the music.  This is a long process since we are just playing a music file and not playing musical notes.  I’ve rewritten the lyrics code again, rewrote it once for Java and OpenAI libary and now I made it into classes to be easy to add new things to it in the future.  The following songs have been completed, doesn’t include ones previously completed.  Armor, Goblin King, Troll King, Evil Guild, Good Guild, Into the fray (End game music).   I’m working on waves at this moment, very long song.

Put in a new minor addition to the game,  The original Atari 8-bit game had a key click for the keyboard when in the menu system.  I’ve added this so when you are in the menu system, the key click sound will be played.

The few things I know that are missing to have the city code complete are achievements, 2-handed weapons.  Of course testing.

By admin

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