I’ve been working on getting lyrics sync’d up with the music for all the songs in the City/Dungeon.  It requires a ton of patience to get this done.   Also, while doing this I need a way to easily play songs.  So I created a new menu item called “Media Player”,  when you go into it, it will show you all the songs of the game.  You can play each song of the game.  It is truely like a media player,  you can select multiple songs and the player will play each one back to back.  You do have an option for “Loop” and “Random”.   On Random, it is what it says, it will play the songs in random order.  The Loop, will keep playing the songs until you stop the media player.

The media player has a “Pause”, “Stop” and “Play” button.  The ‘P’ is play, ‘S’ is stop and ‘O’ is pause.  Other keys are  ‘R’ to active random, ‘L’ to active looping.   You use the up/down keys to move up and down in the list of songs.  To select a song you hit “SPACE BAR” and then will leave an “*” indicator beside the song to indicate it is selected.  Select all the songs you wish to play and once your done just hit ‘P’ to start playing your Alternate Reality Play List.


So, why do I call it a media player.  It is more than just play music.  So each songs has a definition of which type of sequence it can play.  The full intro songs plays the entire Atari 8-bit City intro sequence.   Most of the other songs plays the flying through space sequence.  Several songs from the bars plays the bar sequence.

Check out the Youtube video of the entire re-creation of the City 8-bit intro sequence.  All of the animation has been re-created and non of it is just playing a movie clip.  I think it came out pretty good and it is not trying to be an emulation so there are differences and I wanted it to be a bit different because I was not trying to copy the original down to every detail. 


By admin

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