This is a small udpate on what all has changed from the 0.83  version of ARX to the Java Edition that is related to the game.  Nothing about inside code changes between the two. I’m working hard on getting all the Modules to be a state machine so they do not loop inside its code forever.   This way it just goes into the module displays its screen and checks for user input and leaves.  So the main game loop keeps looping all the time.   You can die in a shop now!!!   Say if you have a desease and standing in the lobby, if the update hits you with a new update on the desease and takes hit points away you can die in the shop on the lobby floor.   Poor shop keeper, he has to clean you up.  Talking about not being a good customer!!!!

  • * Added – Fatigue has been added to the game. You will get tired over time.  Your Embumbrance will increase how fast you become fatigued.
               Once your very tired,  then it will start affecting your stats like the original game.
  • * Fixed – Thirst and Hunger stat has been enhanced,  while sleeping the amount is reduced while sleeping by 50%.  So you get hungry/thirsty
              slower while sleeping like the original
  • * Added – Rotating indicator on status panel like the dungeon has been added to show when time is advancing.  In many shops(Interactive areas)
              the time doesn’t change ever, thirst, hunger and etc never changes when sitting at these menus.   I’ve started changing all modules to not get stuck
              in loops causing it to have its own loop for drawing screen and getting inputs.   They go through the main game loop and time is updated.
              So sitting at a menu in say shop, time will progress and you might leave and it be dark now.  Or desease will affect you standing the the lobby.
  • * Added – ViewPort size menu option.  You can select between “Small” and “Large”.  Small is the normal viewport like the original. Large is full screen
              below the status panel.
  • * Added – Title songs with text has been added to the main menu.  Also, in the background,  stars fly by like the original.  
              It will play it at random intervals.  You can stop is by pressing “S” or start is by “P”.
  • * Added – You have 3 screen sizes to select from.  Orignal of 672×512, 1344×1024 or fullscreen.  The game will just scale all items for the last two
              screen options.
  • * Added – Put in more of the gate sequence features the original had.  You now have the electric fence effect, and also after selecting your stats.
              The screen will be erased just like the original 8-bit/16-bit The City game.
  • * Added – You now have the ability to select the different graphics options like 8-bit/16-bit/Alternative, and now you do not have to restart the game.
  • * Added – Game Configuration now saves on exit of the game.  So manually editing of the ini file is required.                   


By admin

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