This is an update on what I’ve been working on this week.   I’ve worked on the weather system and got most of it working.  Missing the 8-bit graphics and the visual part of lightning.  the 16-bit and alternative graphics has rain drops and those rain drops have depth to them. You will see rain falling behind walls in the city.   Also, when you go into a building you can still here the rain but its sound is reduce by more that 60%,  so it just sounds like outside instead of no sound at all.

In the weather system, there is temperature now,  so the player can get cold and hot throughout the year.   I did an update on the weather system already, so I will not go into it here. So clothing is required now and has an effect.

The best part of the update is the HUGE expansion on the shop.  The clothes has had a complete over all on it.  It doesn’t have limited clothing anymore.  They are not hard coded anymore.  The game will make them up based on the 4 types that make up a piece of clothing.

Quality Color Fabric Type
Cheap Gray (Not specificed) Jerkin
Simple Green Linen Breechcloth
Fine Gold Wool Toga
  Orange Silk Robe
  Red Cotton Cloak
  Silver Satin Vest
  Black Fur-Lined Hat
  Brown Dragonskin Pants
  White   Shirt
  Purple   Dress
  Plaid   Blouse
  Yellow   Skirt
  Blue   Socks
  Striped   Scarf
  Maron   Tie

Each shop has only 12 items per day,  it might not be for a very long time you see all possible combinations.   A random number is generated for each type and then the system generated an item based on those 4 types.  Cost, weight, dapper, warmth, ware quality and water proofness is generated through a combination of those items.   So during the summber months I would not suggest wearing heavy items, save them for the winter so you don’t freeze.

Player can be affected by the temperature, so watch out what you where in what temperature.   You coulbd become “Cold!” and then affect your ability to fight and stay alive. or get too hot and become more fatigue and become thirsty even faster.  Inside the any shop will be always 72°f. 

Next big update that happened this week was getting 3 different primary stats working for the player.  You have  shown, active and real stats for all 6 primary stats.   If you are having dilusions, the stats shown on the screen will not be true and you will not know what your true stats and even HP are, so watch out.  Each stat has 3 kinds of penalties for them,  you have hunger, thirst, fatigue, depending on how your player is currently affected.  So you can’t go without eating forever anymore without a side effect.

Everywhere in the game it calls for one of your stats to determine a charm, trick or surprise and etc..   It get your active stat for that stat.   That may or may not be what is shown on the screen,  so keep your character healthy.

You can become bloated in the game from eating and drinking to much at one time.  So don’t let yourself become to hungry or thirsty at one time because you might have to drink and/or eat to much at one time to remove that and become bloated.   Being bloated will slow down your movement in the game.  Depending on how bloated you are, the speed will be reduce in different stages based on that players stat. So don’t get to full.  Also, when trying to leave an encounter your speed is what determine if you leave.  If you are bloated then this affect your ability to run away.  So don’t go fighting on a FULL stomach.


 Potion,  you now have the ability to identify the potion going through the steps.  But also, in the original you had the ability to lose that potion,  small chance but its there going through identifing it.  So watch out you don’t want to see “Poof!” as a result of taste or sip.  Also, your wisdom is used to idenitfy a potion, so it will use your active wisdom and not your true wisdom.

Adjusted the trick/charm options in the encounter.  Charm is based on the opponents charisma,  is they are to simple it will not work.  The difference between your charm and the opponents charm determines your chance at success.  Of course it is using your active charm now.   Tricking an opponent works the same way but it uses your intelligence.

Offering an item during encounter is way more complicated then before.  There are many variables to determine what happens.  Sometime the opponent will accept and leave, sometime take the item and stay and sometime refuse to take the item at all.  Its based on their intelligence and alignment what they will do.

Now if your are in the palace court at the top of the hour, you will hear the palace theme playing like the original game.

When leveling up, stamina plays a big part in your increase in HP.  But when this occurs it uses your active stamina.  so don’t leave up when your under something.  Another option that changed for leveling up is all of your stats, before was just a random number to increase your stats.  Now it is based on a random number and that stat,  so the higher the stat the smaller amount that stat will increase over time.  So it will be hard to jump to 255 really fast.

All parts of the encounter system will use your active stat and not the real stat to determine what ever it needs at that time.  So being hungry, thristy and cold  is not a good time to go looking for a fight.

Big changes to the banking system.   Governemnt game in and said we needed regulations, so there are new rules for each bank.  Ok,  there are failure for saving accounts now.  So watch out, before it never did failures.  Each day the system will run and check for failure and handle your interest rate increases for each account in each bank.  Bank hours have been added to the game, they are not open 24hrs anymore.  Selling gems/jewelry has different values based on the bank you are trying to sell it to.  The game did not implement the appraisal option. Still have to add that.


  • Added – Shown stats so delusion and other magic works on what you think your stats are.  So you now have shown, active and real stats for the primary stats.
  • Added – Complete rewrite of the clothing items.
              It is somewhat dynamic now.  Clothing is made up of 5 different things to make an item.  So there are
              now hundreds and hundreds of clothes.  You can dress as you wish.
              Quality of cloth, Color of cloth, type of fabric, type of clothes (robe, shirt, pants and etc)
              Price is based on all those types to come up with a total.  
              Clothing affect your warmth level, so it will prevent you from being to cold.  But could make you too hot
  •  Added – Added possible account failures in banks
  •  Added – Bank hours added to the game.
  •  Added – Selling Gems/Jewelery  has different values depending on the bank you are trying to sell it to.
  •  Added – encounter sequences now uses the affect stats value instead of true value.
  •  Added – If you offer an item to an encounter where the intelligence is less than 5 and evil.  They take it and still stays.  If the character is bad alignment, then based on alignment and money you have, they will decide if it is ok and leave.  Otherwise take item and stay.
  • Added – The chance of charming an encounter is now based on affected charisma not true charisma.
  • Added – Player status level up is based on the players stats, the higher the stat is the lower chance of increase
  • Added – Level up of hit points is based on affected stamina instead of the true stamina.
  • Added – Added temperature system into the game.  Its based on month, weather type and hour of the day.
  • Added – Added playing the palace theme song on the top of the hour every hour if if you are in the palace courtyard like the original 8-bit
  • Added – enhanced the background mountain images.  Background texture is just the mountain now.  Sky and ground is drawn by the software now.
  • Added – charm/trick attempt that fails, will cause any attempt after than a 50% likely to fail again.
  • Added – Started to add in speed feature.  Depending on your speed, it will determine how fast the player will move around in the game
  • Added – Idenity of potion feature is completed.  Based on wisdom you have a chance of identified the name of the potion if it is successful
  • Added – Original game had a small chance of the potion going “POOF” during the Sip/Taste/Quaff.  This had been added to the game
  • Added – Bloated to the game.   Once you eat you will get bloated if you eat to much.  This will reduce the speed of the character while  bloated.  Depending on how bloated you are, the speed will be reduce in different stages based on that players stat. So don’t get to full.   Right now it is only movement speed that is working.


By admin

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