
This is another short update on the weather system in Alternate Reality.   The weather system is almost complete and working pretty nicely.   I’ve gotten the 16bit version working pretty nicely.   The rain is based on the 16 bit information,  like how much, how long and etc…   it changes based on month and type of weather that is selected.  Lightning sounds will play also, but do not have the visual aspects implemented.   Next I will put in the 8-bit graphics of the rain.  Want the 8-bit rain to look like the old 8-bit rain.

Also, in the 16-bit version, the rain has depth unlike the original where it only rain in front of the screen.  You will see rain fall behind walls and out of view.  Will see large rain drops when they are close.

The background in 16-bit mode is completely different from the C++ version.   The only texture is the mountain.  The sky and ground is drawn based on weather condition and time.  


Hope you enjoy.


By admin

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